i was deeply saddened when i received an email a few days ago that our barn would be shutting down in coherence with the status order that barns bee closed to boarders. our last day was my two year anniversary with my mare, and i spent the whole day crying, laughing, and carrying and aching pain in my chest. i know this will pass, and things will get better. we just need to keep washing our hands, sneezing into our elbows, and being cautious when within proximity of anyone.

i had my camera at the barn for a last minute portrait session, and grabbed a few shots while i was at it. i waited until the end of the day to grab some shots, and regret it, because the quiet of the day dwindling down made me feel paralyzed-- with fear, sadness, anxiety, and anger. but i tried to breathe, and tried something new (keeping my beautiful friend lisa and her style in mind, and doing my best to feel inspired by it).

here's hoping chanel enjoys her break from me (but not too much!).